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A quick GSA update

I got an update from Russ on the GSA technical committees and thought that I would pass it along. 



G2S 1.1 is now available
G2S 1.1 is the final version of G2S 1.0.3 and is the one against which your products will be certified. This version came about because the committee had been doing clarifications and enhancements for the new G2S 2.x versions (2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, etc.), and it became a bit confusing as to the correct behavior to implement. G2S 1.1 contains all of G2S 1.0.3 plus all of the clarifications from G2S 2.x. It was released in early March along with certification documents, and it will not be changing.

You can read more about G2S 1.1 and certification here:

The next version of G2S will be G2S 2.1
G2S 2.1, currently being developed in committee, is due out toward the end of the year. This version will extend G2S 1.1, by adding functionality that satisfies a series of requests from GSA’s Operator Advisory Committee (OAC). The committee is also hoping to add Employee and Tournament classes to this version.


In the S2S world, S2S 1.5.1 has recently been released, which should make it much easier to build a site controller that receives G2S commands from EGMs and then sends them to a central system using S2S. The plan is to continue driving towards a complete rewrite of the protocol as follows:

  • S2S 1.6 – addresses the OAC requests: download (SSMP-334), SDDP (443), new GAT class (447) and player class updates
  • S2S 1.7 – redo the table games classes
  • S2S 1.8 – redo the classes that overlap with G2S (voucher, wat, bonus, etc.)


  1. Jim Overby
    Jan 18, 2012

    Is formal training available from anyone on G2S and S2S?

    • Sam
      Jan 18, 2012

      Yes, there are training courses available. The Gaming Standards Association provides both G2S and S2S training. You can contact them here:

      Phone: (510) 492-4060

      If you have any specific protocol questions, you can contact Russ Ristine here at RadBlue ( or 775.329.0990). He’s very good on both protocols and would be happy to help out. Also, if you haven’t looked at it yet, you may want to check out the Network Gaming Resources page on this site for presentations, articles and other information on G2S.

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